Relax, leave it to us!

We are experts in Airbnb property management

Leave your home in the hands ofhospitality experts

We manage high standards of quality and hospitality in property rentals in Panama

Enjoy your rental incomefrom anywhere in the world!

Higher profitability than the local market, keeping your home in optimal condition

We areAirbnb SuperHosts

We go the extra mile in personalized assistance to guests, offering complimentary services and attention to detail




super host
casa impecable
Property Damage Support
gestion integral
Integral Management
respaldo de daños
Your Home in Good Hands
cuentas claras
Straight Accounts
Property Availability
Secure Payments


Rentyfive is for you if you have one or more properties and want to earn rental income through Airbnb.

TYour property must be in good condition, furnished, equipped and meet the minimum requirements (see question below).

Leave your property in the hands of Rentyfive and you can enjoy a simple system, secure income and above all, the peace of mind of knowing that your home is kept in optimal condition.

The property must meet at least the following conditions:

  • Fully furnished and in good condition.
  • Operative appliances (refrigerator, stove, laundry, AC in all areas, water heater and Smart TV).
  • Kitchen equipped with basic cooking tools and appliances (coffee maker, microwave oven and toaster).
  • Payment of utilities: water, gas, internet and electricity (low minimum monthly consumption for long term bookings).
  • Two sets of sheets and one quilt per bed. Two towels per guest.

Don't worry, we will take care of adjusting your property: furnishing, interior design, white goods equipment, kitchen equipment, bed linen and towels.

After visiting the property, we give you a budget with the required equipment, we send a list of accounts with invoices and we charge $500 for this service for properties up to 80 m2. For larger properties, you should consult with us.

The rental rate on Airbnb is determined by the size of your property, guest capacity, location and appearance.

The price of our service is 20% of the rent of your property at Airbnb market rates. See an example calculation here.

Yes of course, you can receive your payments anywhere in the world! Depending on the country, we handle different payment methods: Western Union, Paypal, international bank transfer and Mastercard Payoneer prepaid card.

That's right, we can manage your properties under an Airbnb profile of my own brand and make it SuperHost.

Lost objects or eventual damages to the property are covered by the guest's credit card and will be paid to the owner, sending the evidence.

That's right! You let us know in advance the dates you plan to use the property and we block those dates on the Airbnb calendar so they can't be booked by guests.

The SuperHost category on Airbnb increases the visibility of your listing on the platform, positioning it at the top of the search results and increases the chances of booking confirmation because it provides "trust" to the guest.

You must notify us 90 days prior to the desired date of termination of the service to block the calendar from that date and not receive any more bookings. Bookings confirmed so far must be respected.


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